Gailsone Goodies
This section is designed to share artwork, free stories, information, and trivia about the Gailsone universe.
Free Novellas
Hit was originally published as the epilogue to the Black Days novella. Until now, it has only been available as an extra in the paperback edition. I wrote it, expanded it, and discussed at length with my editors what should be done with it. The overall feel was that due to the tone of Black Days, Hit didn’t fit well. As one of my editors put it, “leave Black Days the way it is. The ending feels serious and somber, like a Japanese drama.” I have to agree.
So, that leaves us with Hit. It was too short to be a purchased piece (I have a set page rule, and the only story to skirt that rule was Date Night), so I was at odds on what to do with it. Then, I promised free stories in a promotion, and the rest fell into place.
So, here is the epilogue to Black Days, which was my favorite novella. It’s also the introduction of Dinogore, who makes a return this month in Rare Gems, so this feels appropriate.
Turnabout was written specifically as a free story, and is more Gailsone fanfic than actual plot. This is a ‘girls’ night out’ story, and is easily the most risqué entry in the entire series. It’s a bit descriptive in some regards, but not nearly as much as it could be. Without giving too much away, I would simply advise the reader that this is not an ‘action’ story. It’s a buddy story, filled with crass conversation, copious amounts of alcohol, good friends, and (sometimes very) adult situations. For those who like side-stories, and for those who like dialogue-driven stories, this is for you.
Click here for some fun Gailsone series trivia.
Gailsone Art
Not too long ago, Gailsone.com explored working with artist Cristian Avendano, who provided some wonderful artwork for Alice. Shown below are the sketches provided, from concept to finished work.

This first image was done after an initial description of the character was given. While not quite Alice, I couldn’t help but notice he drew what looked like a nice proto-Allison. You know, provided that Allison ever looked happy.

After a more detailed description, this image of Alice was provided. While close, it felt too young. As one of my editors put it, “She joined the Purge when she was in her teens, not her tweens.” A lot of the elements I was looking for were here, but it wasn’t quite where I wanted it to be. We’ve dubbed this image, “Chibi Alice.”

This is the final image of Alice. Note the older features. Also, I loved how the artist kept her body proportions realistic. Alice isn’t meant to be a sexpot 90’s-esque character, she’s supposed to look like a real person that’s in reasonably good shape and stays on top of her health. I also like the purple shading.
Alice's Spotify Playlist
Pairing music to your reading is important, and here at Gailsone, we've got you covered. Denise Huston, noted editor of the Gailsone series and angry music aficionado, has compiled a Spotify list for our favorite former villain! Check out her list here!